Located in Clubhouse 2,
Leisure World of Maryland
When We're Open
Mon - Fri 11 AM - 5 PM
Sat - 2 PM - 4 PM
Sunday - Closed
Recycle Your Used Technology Related Equipment
Leisure World Tech has partnered with Phoenix Computers in Rockville, MD, to recycle technology related equipment
We have set up a formal recycling program with Phoenix for the Technology Resource Center and all of Leisure World. The Technology Resource Center no longer accepts old equipment and accessories for recycling. Insead, donations may be made directly to Phoenix Computers in Rockville, MD.
You may contact them at http://www.phoenixcomputers.info/personal_donations.htm
Phoenix Computers is open from 10 am - 4 pm on Mondays and Wednesday. The facility is located at 11910 Parklline Dr., Rockville, MD. Telephone 301-881-4500.